Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ad Finem Ultimum

I dreamt that time wasn't real and that I existed simultaneously in the past, present and future. Deja vu was me seeing things I saw a thousand years ago and everything I wrote down would happen 500 years later. I could change my perception of my surroundings to match a time period.

Imagine having a stack of paper, punching a hole in the middle and placing a pencil through it. The pencil would be touching multiple pieces of paper. This is what it was like. Me, wedged between countless timelines, delving into whichever I wished.

It made be think about time in general. You see it is not June 22nd, 2010. We have no clue what year it is or what day of the week it is. They are all arbitrary numbers that we created to organize our schedules.

We live and die by a false concept.

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